Although our business branches are different then each other, yet our aim will always be sustainable growth and protection of environment. These two important items will be base of our main strategies at each of our business activities.
Mehmet Şeherli
President of Panda Group
Dear Valued Business Partners,
Our group had started at 1984 at Ankara and has become one of the leading companies at Turkiye and abroad, with its 1000 employees and more than 40 years history.
We started with different business projects and we are proud of creating value to Turkiye and world and supplying many products and services including food, aluminium, minerals, renewable energy and foreign trade.
In order to leave a cleaner and greener world to next generations, we pursue carbon neutral and zero waste business plans at all of our business units and we shape our investment accordingly. We follow up current trends abroad and Turkiye so that we can take actions for a better world.
Within our environmental management system, we try to protect natural resources and we struggle against climate change. We hereby commit ourselves to take necessary actions to reach net zero target. By focusing on enegry efficiency at our plants, we aim to minimize environmental effect of our operations and carbon emissions.
In addition, we are decisive to protect ecosystem and biological diversity. We take all opportunities to adopt renewable economic principles and reach zero waste targets.
At this point, we not only added our group of companies to economic life, but also touched to our employees, their families, cooperation partners and business partners.
Although our business branches are different then each other, yet our aim will always be sustainable growth and protection of environment. These two important items will be base of our main strategies at each of our business activities.
On one side, our business branches are labor intensive, on the other side our main priority will be giving value to R&D activities and improve functionality and disctintive features to each of our products.
At each of our business branches, we take steps to be leading company at our country with lean, high tech, participative, innovative, environmentally sensitive, sustainable way of doing business.
We had established a strong structure and made it sustainable, and we have seen results as sustainable corporate culture. We are confident that our second generation managers will improve targets furthermore with their vision, capabilities and gain a better place at global arena. To sum up, we are well aware of our responsibilities to share our experience, accumulated know-how with young generation. We are proud of having an important role at collaborative social development, and as board of directors we will keep our responsibilities to be a better company together with all of our employees.