In order to support the fight against climate change and global warming, to prevent environmental pollution and to leave a cleaner and livable future for future generations, Panda Group; across Turkey; rehabilitation of wild landfills, design and operation of sanitary landfills, biomethanization, energy production by gasification-incineration, Waste Derived Fuel (WDF) production, recycling of packaging and excavation waste, disposal of hazardous and medical wastes, etc., we provide engineering, contracting and consultancy services focused on these activities.
Panda Group contributes to the protection and development of natural resources and ecosystems with its medical waste disposal and solid waste integrated facilities located in different locations of Turkey, creating a healthy and livable environment for current and future generations.
With solid waste storage activities, compliance analyzes of non-recyclable wastes are provided within the scope of the Regulation on Landfilling of Wastes. After checking the conformity of Annex-2 criteria and verification analyzes within the scope of the Regulation on the Landfill of Wastes, the wastes are stored in our areas with special geomembrane impermeability in line with environmental legislation, it serves in Turkey’s leading metropolitan areas.
The collection, accumulation, transportation and disposal of medical wastes at the source and separately from other wastes are carried out with special safe methods.
The first ecological and environmentalist greenhouse of the Eastern Anatolia region was built by Panda Group. Despite the harsh winter conditions, it has enabled continuous farming. The most environmental greenhouse heated with waste heat It enables to make agriculture in the desired standards in completely environmentally friendly greenhouses equipped with fertile soil obtained from the wastes, by utilizing the heat energy generated by the combustion of methane gas obtained from urban wastes.
In the solid waste integrated electricity generation facilities of Panda Group, a total capacity of 45,686 MWe/hour transforms the energy obtained from the wastes into electricity, meeting the electricity needs of 277,076 houses per month.
Preventing greenhouse gas formation by burning 16,446 tons of methane gas per month.